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Countdown to our epic Western Adventure

Robin and I leave Sunday for thirty days of driving and eight National Parks in New Mexico, Colorado, Utah and Arizona. An epic adventure no doubt!

We are driving the Jeep if it can make headway after we pack every available inch with clothes, tech, water, food (trail mix!), cameras and special Jeepy stuff like the five gallon “gerry can” of gas for “just in case.” No, we are NOT camping. I have a loose-leaf notebook filled with maps, hotel confirmations, restaurant reservations, helicopter tours and the like.

We have bought (and figured out how to use) a Garmin “Montana” which is not a whole state but rather a bulky, Iphone-sized satellite communication device which will let us send emergency messages if we get lost in the mountains or are running late for the dinner reservation. If you get a text, it will have a link to our exact map coordinates.

We are looking forward to day 2 of our adventure when we will actually leave the state of Florida. We only make it to Pensacola on day 1. Day 2 lands us in Marshall, TX, Day 3 Abilene, TX (TX is even bigger than FL) and finally Day 4 we arrive at our first park, Carlsbad Caverns in Carlsbad, NM.

As of last week, we were closely watching the weather for tornado and thunderstorm alerts since our path on I-10 and I-20 takes us near the danger zone. Now, we’re also watching for forest and grass fires. There’s an app for that! It’ll be a miracle if this trip goes off as planned but we’re pushing ahead.

I’ll be posting to the blog from the road and Robin will be handling the photographic duties. Keep watching!

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